
How to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew (and how it may explode)

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Continuing with the second video of Drivenet’s Quasi-Suspense series, we proudly present a thrilling video that shows how a bottle of wine may or may not explode while trying to open it without a corkscrew. Enjoy!

There are lots of sound details, so pump that volume up for a better experience =)

Ostriches chasing humans in Panama! (or maybe not)

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Beware, ostriches!!!! Here I give you another jewel from the past. Check out the wild life from Capira, Panama. Enjoy =)

Vida Salvaje en Panamá: Nativos panameños son perseguidos por avestruces (o tal vez no).
Wild Life in Panama: Native Panamanians being chased by ostriches! (or maybe not)

This is the first video on Drivenet’s Quasi-Suspense Series.