
How to open a wine bottle without a corkscrew (and how it may explode)

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Continuing with the second video of Drivenet’s Quasi-Suspense series, we proudly present a thrilling video that shows how a bottle of wine may or may not explode while trying to open it without a corkscrew. Enjoy!

There are lots of sound details, so pump that volume up for a better experience =)

Fields of Dreams 3 of 4 – Partying in Panama (2005)

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So back in the day when we did not have the Little Pentagon (the new US American embassy in Panama) lying in our backyard, there was a spot were kids mainly from the former Canal Zone (Zonians) would have lots of fun parties. The following is the third out of four videos that documented our adventures. This one is on our way back, enjoy!

Note: for an amplified enjoyment of the video you might want to turn on the closed captions (CC button on the right bottom corner of the video screen)

Isla Grande – crappy swell but lots of random fun…

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The ride back

I arrived unusually early to Juanes house to go surfing to Isla Grande for the day. I got there around 3:30 a.m., mounted the surfboards on the racks and waited for the rest of the crew. Being at the heart of Calle Urugay (a Panamanian epicenter for partying), we could see all the people all dressed up but screwed up by alcohol =). Read the rest of this entry »